For all of you who find my previous comment offensive, wrong, ignorant, any of the above or anything similar I politely request you answer the following questions:
- If the Palestinians had a true desire for peace, why did they reject the 1947 UN partition plan which (having already designated 4/5 of the Palestine Mandate to Arabs in the form of Jordan) established a Jewish state and an Arab state in the remaining 1/5, with about 50% of the land each?
- If the Arab World truly desired peace, why did they react to the establishment of a Jewish State by launching a war filled with hatred to destroy this Jewish state resulting only hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees?
- If the Arab World was so genuinely concerned with the establishment of a Palestinian State (ignoring the existence of a Palestinian state in Jordan), why did Jordan and Egypt not establish a one in the West Bank and Gaza which they respectively occupied between 1949 and 1967?
- If the Arab World so desired peace why did they decide the best way to achieve this would be by launching yet another war of hatred against Israel in 1967?
- What happened the last time an Arab nation was occupying the West Bank and what does this tell you about the current desire to reestablish Arab occupation of the West Bank?
- If the Palestinians genuinely only wanted a Palestinian State with eastern Jerusalem as its capital why have the rejected every single offer of a state which includes this?
- If the Palestinians want peace, why did the withdrawal from the Gaza strip in 2005 lead to the election of Hamas and constant rocket fire against Israeli civilians?
- If the Palestinians genuinely want peace with Israel and a two state solution, why do they continue to insist on the right of return of Palestinian refugees (made so by the 1947 war of hatred against Israel) to flood Israel with Palestinian Arabs so rendering it a defacto Palestinian state?
- If the Palestinians believe in a two state solution, why do Arab states continue to not recognise the existence of Israel but rather call for the destruction of the Zionist entity?
- If Palestinians genuinely desired peace, why do they insist on preconditions before even entering peace negotiations?
- How do you explain the continued use of violence and terrorism against the Jewish population of Israel (and indeed the world)?
- If the Arab world cared so much about the Palestinians why:
- Did Jordan's Regime murder thousands of Palestinians in 1970?
- Do they not have the right to own property or land, access the health system and require special permits to leave their refugee camps in Lebanon?
- Do Palestinians in Egypt have restrictions on the most basic of human rights?
- Does Hamas store and fire its rockets from within the civilian population in Gaza, using them as human shields against Israel, actively putting them in harms way?
- Is it in Israel that Palestinians enjoy the greatest level of human and civil rights, religious freedom, political representation etc?
Perhaps I can help you out:
- Because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not care about the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, but a Palestinian state to replace Israel. In short, because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- A war was launched against Israel to cause its destruction. They continue to not want peace with Israel but a platform from which to launch the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they reject the existence of Israel.
- Because they do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not want peace with Israel.
- They do not want peace with Israel, they want the destruction of Israel.
- Because they do not care about the Palestinians but realise they are a useful tool in their desire to destroy Israel.
So please forgive Israel for being wary at this latest publicity stunt from Abbas at the United Nations. Time and again Palestinians have been offered peace and time and again it has been rejected and is usually followed by a war against Israel. The last time there was an Arab power occupying the West Bank, Israel had to defend itself from yet another war of hatred aimed at destroying the state of Israel and the Jewish people. How many times must Israel defend herself from Arab powers who's aim is the destruction of the Jewish State? Any Palestinian state established on Pre-1967 borders leaves open the very possibility of yet another war against Israel launched in very much the same way as the 1967 war - the Arab commitment to 'Pre-1967' borders is nothing to do with a state of Palestine (if they wanted a Palestinian state, they were offered a much larger one which they rejected in 1947) but is a calculated move to threaten Israel. Unilateral moves at the United Nations do not established secure borders for Israel, something history shows us is necessary.
There is no denying the simple fact that there are barriers to peace on both sides that could be removed (and shouldn't be added to). This, however, makes the naive assumption that the Arab side desire peace. If the Arabs wanted peace, they could have had it years ago. Instead, from the very beginning, they chose the path of war and destruction against the Jewish people, a nation whose destruction has been sought by: Ancient Egypt, the Philistines, the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Crusaders, the Spanish Empire, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
There is no denying the simple fact that there are barriers to peace on both sides that could be removed (and shouldn't be added to). This, however, makes the naive assumption that the Arab side desire peace. If the Arabs wanted peace, they could have had it years ago. Instead, from the very beginning, they chose the path of war and destruction against the Jewish people, a nation whose destruction has been sought by: Ancient Egypt, the Philistines, the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Crusaders, the Spanish Empire, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
Not one of these civilisations, nations or empires still exist. The Jewish People remain.
ReplyDeleteany response to this?
Thank you for removing your reference to Israel being a racist state.
DeleteIn response to your link, I am not surprised to note that you have been taken in by the poll because it conforms to your incorrect stereotype. Perhaps you will consider doing some active research into the poll and subsequently will find out that it is incredibly misleading and inaccurate. In case you need a starting point:
Not at all, anti-semticism has always existed and will continue to exist. Hate only breeds more hate and as a Jew you have to come to accept that. If anything it is quite flattering - we are but 0.02% of the world's population yet so much of the world spends so much time focused on such a small nation of people. I pity you really.
DeleteYou deleted my response
Delete10 points for Gryffindor. Perhaps, if you wish your comments to not be deleted, you could refrain from posting hatred and/or lies.
DeleteWhy has Israel earned the hatred?
ReplyDeleteNEVER AGAIN!!!
Well running a terror campaign against British soldiers in the middle east while they were fighting a war against the Nazis is a good start in earning global condemnation.
DeleteMurdering British soldiers while they were fighting to end the regime behind the holocaust...